Use Website Statistics to be No 1 on Google by MICHAEL FARRELL

Use Website Statistics to be No 1 on Google


As it is within all industries, the Internet world, full of web sites, is peppered with its own lingo. Get to know the terminology well and understand what it means, that way nobody will be able to pull the wool over your eyes.
Here are a few keys terms to understand and monitor on a very frequent, if not daily, basis.
Hits. This is the most abused and wrongly used statistic referring to Web activity. You've heard people say, “I get 100,000 hits a month." Be concerned as this is a meaningless number; a hit refers to each file sent by the server to a Web browser-therefore, if you have a page that contains many images, chances are that those images plus the HTML file supporting them will register as many hits. As a result of displaying the pages of your website, the numbers quickly get out of hand and you will have no real idea how many visitors your site is getting.
Page Views. Page views are a more accurate measure, because the figure disregards how many hits or files make up the Web page. It simply measures how many times a Web page was served up. The problem with page views is that you don't know whether it was one user looking at 20 pages or 20 visitors looking at one page each.
Visitors / Uniques. This should be the number you are monitoring the most. This is the truest representation of how popular your site is. More accurate than hits or page views, your visitor numbers show how many people actually came to your site.
PPC. Price per click is the financial reward someone will pay you for every click he or she receives from an advertisement placed on your site - or the price you pay Google, for example, every time someone clicks on your Adwords advertisement. Clients often ask what a good PPC rate is, and the answer is that it depends. It's worth only what someone is prepared to pay. PPM. This is less and less common nowadays, but some advertisers don’t want to mess around with a micropayment for every single click-through. They're looking at this relationship in the macro sense and expect you to be sending over loads of visitors. They therefore prefer to work in terms of thousands of visitors rather than anything smaller. The letter "M" is the Latin representation of 1,000 and thus PPM is the price per thousand.
Here is a tip for you to do early in your efforts to become an Internet Marketing professional.
Be sure to sign up with Google Analytics and monitor the information about your websites that will be available but don’t rely only on these statistics, so get a second opinion. Maybe your developer has bolted a Web site statistics function onto your site, but if that is not the case, check out www dot opentracker dot com, which is a great tool for measuring activity. If you're considering marketing your site on search engines other than Google, it is essential.
In order to help you, I will continue to post (on this blog site) tips and techniques I have obtained and learned from My Go-To-Market Partners as I became an Internet Entrepreneur and built aspenIbiz, my online business, along with my various Web 2.0 properties and affiliate web sites. Together, these tips will provide a traffic formula that will improve your Page Ranking and drive qualified leads to your website.   

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